Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Art.13 of the 2016/679 European Regulation on personal data protection (“GDPR”) and to the National Privacy Policy (the following privacy statement in force), we inform you that your personal data will be collected and processed both manually and by electronic or automated means, in Italy and abroad, also through the use of Social Networks. This Regulation, based on the value of Transparency and on each element required by GDPR is structured in individual sections each of which deals with a specific topic in order to make it quicker and easier to read (from this point onwards it will be called “Information”).

Data Controller and Data Processor

The data controller and data owner is GCT33 S.r.l. (from now “GCT”), with registered office in Via Dorsale 23/A - business centre OLIDOR34 54100 - Massa. The person responsible for the Data processing is Fabio Marziotti.

Object of the processing

GCT uses personal identification data (in particular name, surname, business name, VAT number, tax code, business activity, patrimonial situation, post or mailing address, phone number and other identification data, from now “Data” or “personal Data”) you provide requesting a service provided or in case of an existing contract or even acquired verbally or through third parties. Your personal data will be processed exclusively by authorized persons and by persons designated as Responsible of the data processing according to the GDPR in order to  carry out all the Processing activities necessary to pursue the purposes indicated here. Your personal data could be transmitted to public institutions or judicial authorities, when required by law or to prevent or repress crimes.

Purposes of Data Processing

Among the information we collect, some are essential to the drafting and the administration of your contract, others help us to offer a better service, day by day. In particular:
The provision of your personal data, processed for service purposes, is necessary to use the service;
The provision of your personal data, processed for other purposes, is discretionary. Their non-provision does not stop you from using the GCT services, but you won’t be able to receive our commercial communications and customized offers.
1. Your personal data will be processed without your agreement for the service purposes, in particular:
The execution of the contract or for the fulfillment of pre-contractual commitments: 
To contact you as required to give you all the information and the answers about the GCT offers;
To produce the quotation required also during a phone call; 
To save or recover the quotation and send it to your email address;
To Provide and manage all the services you required sending, if necessary, billing, service communications and support; 
The pursuit of a legitimate profit of the owner: to manage  complaint and controversy, to recover credits, to prevent fraud and illegal behavior; 
Making online payments: The managing of the order of the payments made through the website allow GCT to process payments through PayPal. PayPal is payment service , provided by PayPal Inc., which allow the user to make online payments using his own access credential. Personal data collected: various typologies of data in accordance with the Privacy Policy of the Service.
To send commercial communications to the email address you supplied, if you are already our customer, about GCT services and products similar to the ones you  have already used;
Communication to other companies in partnership with GCT for the completion of GCT service itself;
The conformity to legal obligations, regulations or Community legislation imposed by Authorities;
The practice of GCT rights in court and the management of any legal disputes.
2. Only after you have given your consent, for other non-service  purposes, in particular:
Marketing purposes, i.e. inform you with an ordinary letter, phone call, email, TV messages, text messages, multimedia messages, notices, newsletters and ventures;
The dispatch of multimedia contents (photo, video, audio etc.) through websites, mobile app, social, communities, drafts, email, forms, etc.;
Management of any complaints and notifications;
Anonymous technical analysis about the use of services through instruments as the ones offered by Social Networks and Google;
Sending newsletters;
The communication and/or the dispatch (by e-mail, text message, notices, post, phone call, etc.), also with automated ways, of commercial information and offers, advertising and promotional material about our and/or third parties services and also the fulfillment of market researches;
Data communication to third party companies outside and inside GCT, regarding the product group below.
Usage of Data
Your personal data is used for collection, registration,  organization, conservation, consultation, analysis, matching, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication,  cancellation and destruction of data; Your personal data is subjected to paper, electronic and automated processing and preserved in a database.

Time Processing

Your personal data will be kept for the necessary period to pursue the purposes related to point 1. above.
In particular, your Personal Data will be processed for a period of time equal to the minimum necessary to achieve the purposes, disregarding an additional period of conservation that may be imposed by law. Moreover, if you decide to release your optional consent as per point 2. related to marketing, profiling and / or communication purposes to third parties, your Personal Data will be retained, except for the revocation of consent, for a period of time no greater than the one necessary to achieve the purposes.
Your Data will be kept for a further period in relation to the purposes of dispute and any legal obligations.

Revocation of approval

You have the right to revoke your approval, given to the owner, fully and/or in part any time without compromising the lawfulness of the processing based on the the approval given previously. To cancel your approval, you just have to contact the owner of the address published in the present Information.

Data transfer

GCT can communicate your data for the purposes of service to the judicial authorities, without your expressed approval,  and to all the other subjects to whom they are necessary to be communicated (credit institutes, professional offices, partners of GCT) by law or by contract, to allow the implementation on the activities described above. 
These people will process your data in their capacity as independent data controllers. 
In any case, we want to reassure you that your data will be not propagated.

Where will your data be processed?

Your Personal Data will be processed by the owner in the EU territory.
If, for technical and/or operational questions, it will be necessary to use subjects located outside the EU countries, we inform you that these subjects will be nominated Responsible of Processing pursuant to art. 28 of GDPR and the transfer of your Personal Data to these subjects, limited to the execution of specific activities of processing, will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of GDPR.
All necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the total protection of your Personal Data basing this transfer on the assessment of appropriate guarantees including, for example, adequacy decisions of third countries recipients expressed by the European Commission; adequate guarantees expressed by the recipient third party pursuant to Article 46 of the GDPR.
In any case, you could ask further detailed information to the owner of the processing of your Personal Data outside of the EU, asking for evidence of specific guarantees adopted.

Method of data processing and retention:

Data processing will be done through appropriate tools in order to guarantee security and privacy and can be done also through automatic tools for data recording, management and transmission. Informations are stored with computer tools protected by security systems (as firewall, control system for hacker attacks, tools for the automatic malware identifying, etc…).
However, should all the implemented security systems not be enough to avoid the theft of informations, pursuant to Art. 33 of GDPR, the person responsible for data processing must undertake to report and promptly communicate the theft of informations related to personal data to the national Guarantor.


We remind you that you can exert your rights required by GDPR and in particular obtain:
The confirmation that the processing of your personal data is ongoing or not and the access to the data and to the following information (purpose of the processing, categories of personal data, recipients and/or categories of recipients to whom the data was or will be communicated, period of conservation);
The correction of your incorrect personal data and/or the integration of your incomplete personal data, also by providing a supplementary declaration;
The cancellation of Personal Data, in the cases required by GDPR;
The processing limitation in the cases required by the privacy law in force;
The portability of your data, and in particular ask for your personal data provided to the owner and/or their direct transmission to another owner of the processing;
The opposition to the processing at any time, for reasons connected to your particular situation,  to the processing of your personal data according to the privacy law in force, even for the marketing purpose.
You can exert your rights contacting:
In any case you will always have the right to submit a complaint to the competent supervisory authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 GDPR, if you believe that the processing of your data is contrary to the Privacy Policy in force.


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Cookies allow efficient operation of the site and improve its performance, also provide information to the owner of the site for statistical purposes or advertising, mainly to personalize your browsing experience remembering your preferences (for example to remember the language and currency you set, to recognize you on your next visit, etc.).
Usage and purposes of cookies
Our site uses various types of cookies and similar technologies, each of which has a specific function. The following table shows.

Types of cookies

Based on the characteristics and use of cookies, we can distinguish several categories:
technical cookies and strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential for the proper functioning and are used to manage the login and access to reserved functions of the site. The duration of cookies is strictly limited to the working session and then closed the browser are deleted;
cookie of technical analysis, performance and functionality. These cookies are used to collect and analyze traffic and use the site anonymously. These cookies do not allow the identification of the user and are not used for other purposes. They can in turn be divided into cookies or browsing session, which guarantee the normal navigation and use of the website;
analytics cookies, similar to technical cookies are used to collect information, in aggregate, the number of users and how they visit the site;
functionality cookies, which allow the user browsing function of a set of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.
Profiling cookies
These are persistent cookies used to identify (anonymously or not) user preferences and improve your experience of navigation. Profiling cookies are aimed at creating user profile and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the same part by surfing the net. Given the considerable invasiveness that such devices may have on the private sphere of the users, the European and Italian legislation requires the user to be properly informed on the use of them and express consent.
This website does not use this type of cookie.

Third Party Cookies

While visiting a website, you may receive cookies both from the visited site ("proprietary cookies"), and from websites maintained by other organizations (“third parties”). A notable example is the presence of "social plugins" for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn. They part of the page visited directly by the user, but generated by these sites and integrated into the hosting site. The most common use of social plugin is aimed at sharing content on social networks. The presence of these plugins involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites operated by third parties. The management of the information collected by third parties shall be governed by the relevant information which please refer.

Disable cookies and manage your preferences

Most browsers are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through the settings. We remind you, however, that disabling cookies or navigation functional ones can limit and affect the operation of the site and / or limit the service that we offer.
Follow these URLs to manage cookies for some of the most popular browsers (these links, however, are subject to change by the respective owners. In this case it is suggested to proceed with targeted searches):


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